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Yo!, this page is dedicated to ciphers who's solving requires a grid.

While it may seem clunky to have it where you need to read a grid, its surprisingly not that bad at all!

Some ciphers involving grids have coordinates assigned to each letter.

This can be combined with an [(+)additive/(-)subtractive] key.

The grids used for these kinds looks like this:

Grid Generator

(To make the grid appear, enter in a keyword or just "a" to make the grid generate)

Credits to Maelstrom for the code to make the generator work too!

Some ciphers that use the grid method are:
  • The Polybius cipher (named after the urban legend that is the polybius arcade cabinet)

    This is read by coordinates. its origin is in the top left as (1,1).

    Moving right or down changes the X or Y position by 1.

  • Playfiar, the one that has two ways to do the rectangle orientations (I still dont know the right way or if there even is one)

    this one is read by a set of rules (which i will try to list to the best of my ability):

    • The Plaintext is divided into groups of two from left to right.
    • Doubled letters are seperated by a bogus letter, lonely letters are also paired with a bogus letter
    • Letters sharing a coloum are shifted down 1 when encoding (wraps around to top btw)
    • letters sharing a row are shifted right 1 when encoding, but depending on who does it it either wraps around to the next row or wraps around in the same row.
    • Letters forming a rectangle are swapped with a letter both intersect (whether its horizontal or vertical for the swap is also on the person)
  • Four square, literally four squares

    The grids are arranged the same way you would read a book (unfortunately thats not constant so just in a z pattern lol)

    you break the plaintext into pairs of two letters, locate them in grids 1 and 4, and then take their intersections, normally grid 2 first and then grid 3.

    Almost like Playfair, lonely letters are given a bogus character, but doubles can be paired up on their own.